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      Past event

      Let’s Wine Together


      The festive season is around the corner. So, we thought of a little warm up for our amazing community. And what a better way to do that than a wine tasting? A cheerful ending of the work day, where we could get to know each other and at the same time learn interesting facts about the wine production and how to improve our tasting skills.

      To help us create the best coworking experience, we invited our friends from Katarzyna Estate. Their history starts in 2007 near the village of Karabunar where vineyards and wine have been a part of local life since ancient times. Thanks to the unique terroir, combined with the professionalism and passion of the team, the cellar has been characterized by the highest quality and innovation from the very beginning.

      They have presented us few types of white and red wines in our event space overlooking Sofia’s largest boulevard – Tsarigradsko shose. Now we can all easily tell the difference between Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay. Not only that, but also how to pair them with food to achieve the perfect balance. In order to complete the journey, we added fine selection of cheese, cold cuts and deli products with truffles. The result was a relaxing evening, filled with networking, laugher and joy. We’ll definitely do it again!