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      Hot desks. What are they and how do you book them?


      You may have seen the term hot desks circulating on the internet. Those types of desks have become one of the most famous features for employees in hybrid workplaces. This article will explain all about hot desks, why they might be a smart move for your organization, and how to book them.  

      , Hot desks. What are they and how do you book them?, My Flex

      Hot desk meaning 

      Do not worry. A hot desk is not actually something hot. Hot-desking derives from a similar-sounding idiom from the US Navy, called hot racking. The sailors used to sleep in separate shifts to save space on the ship. So, when they changed their places, the rack-mounted bunks would always be warm from the person who had just used them.

      How do you book a hot desk?

      One benefit of hot desks is that you should not worry about when and how to book them. You have to find one available, sit down, and get ready for work.

      Benefits of hot desking

      It is no secret why hot desking has become a trend in the last couple of years. They give employees a lot of freedom and are not that costly. Unlike the traditional office setup, employees can benefit from the hot desks in various ways, from space to higher satisfaction.

      Space utilization

      Let’s admit it. People like it when they have enough space. It allows them to breathe and get their work done more efficiently. Hot desking maximizes available office space by removing designated workstations from the floor plan.


      Similar to flexible office spaces, with hot desks, companies can maximize the use of existing office space and reduce the price of their real estate portfolio. Big teams can benefit from hot desk design by saving money and using just the space they require.

      Better employee relationships

      Do you have colleagues you see only at the door when you enter work? If you move to a hot desk environment, the chances are you will see more from your colleagues, which will allow you to create better relationships. Moreover, working at a hot desk promotes teamwork and social culture, enabling you to broaden your horizons and feel more comfortable at the workplace.


      Good collaboration comes with established connections. The open design of the hot desk allows employees to get in touch with other coworkers, exchange ideas, and work together on different projects. Hot desks also include light separation that allows for some degree of privacy and personal space for employees while promoting collaboration without needing them to move to a new location.


      Hot desks are so flexible because you do not need to book them in advance, and you can change your desk anytime you feel like it. Moreover, your entire team could benefit from hot desking and a flexible work schedule.

      Higher satisfaction

      Providing employees with their own choice of seat has an effect on their satisfaction. It provides them with more autonomy and empowerment in the workplace, which can also improve their work performance.