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      Top 5 office amenities for the modern office


      Updated on: 05.12.2024

      Why is it beneficial to a coworking space to have good amenities for its visitors?

      Amenities are beneficial to a coworking space, because they enhance the experience of the visitors and make the overall quality of the work space better in many ways. Of course, the amenities themselves need to be of high-quality, for example fast speed internet, extra comfortable seating, green zones with natural light, relax zones, gyms and many more. The networking events in a shared worked space foster community and professional growth, while a well-equipped agile workspace provides a supportive environment for a diverse group of professionals.

      The office is a place where people spend more time than they do at home. It is where we expend the most energy and, at the same time, where we need to recharge the most. This is why it is of utmost importance that our workplace should be comfortable and cater to our needs. In this article, we will explore the top five amenities suitable for any modern office, which all employees will undoubtedly love.

      , Top 5 office amenities for the modern office, My Flex

      Office trends in 2023

      Returning to normal office life after the pandemic has spurred innovation in companies, leading to a transformation of the office environment for employees. With most staff now working from home and showing reluctance to return to the office, companies are even more determined to implement necessary changes and employ creative thinking to generate innovative ideas. Consequently, businesses are placing increased emphasis on office benefits and amenities, investing in their implementation and realization.

      Office Benefits

      The office can offer numerous benefits to its employees, including health and wellness programs. For instance, an increasing number of offices are prioritizing employee well-being by providing gym memberships, on-site fitness classes, mental health support, and other valuable initiatives. Additionally, some offices offer professional development opportunities through training programs, mentorship opportunities, and workshops. These programs have the potential to enhance employee engagement and overall job satisfaction, as they contribute positively to employees’ self-esteem.

      Office Amenities

      It’s important to have a modern, comfortable, and well-designed office in today’s world if you want your employees to enjoy coming to work. By providing open-plan layouts, natural lighting, and comfortable furniture, you can increase productivity and satisfaction among your employees. Additionally, having enough collaborative areas like meeting rooms, brainstorming zones, and communal lounges can promote teamwork and effective communication.

      The best office amenities that employees really want

      In the ever-changing business world, it can be challenging to determine what amenities employees truly love, especially in the context of office environments. However, our team of professionals has compiled a list of top-notch amenities that are sure to capture the hearts of any office employee!

      Natural light

      A top priority for any office is ensuring an adequate amount of natural light filters through the windows every day. Although this feature may be overlooked, the significance of natural light cannot be overstated, particularly considering that most employees spend their entire day looking at computer screens.

      When selecting or renovating an office space, it is crucial to consider the windows and the room’s exposure. Are there sufficient amounts of light entering the space? Is it possible to expand the windows, and will my employees be seated near them? These critical questions should be asked as they have a profound impact on employee mood and well-being.

      Green space

      We acknowledge that green spaces are increasingly regarded as a luxury, particularly in bustling cities teeming with cars and towering buildings. Nevertheless, making green spaces available near or within the office can provide employees with a valuable opportunity to recharge amidst their tasks. You can initiate this process by starting small, such as incorporating indoor plants or living walls, which can contribute to a healthier and more pleasant work environment, ensuring that your employees are surrounded by nature and benefiting from a positive impact on their mood and overall well-being.

      Water and coffee

      As simple as it may sound, providing your employees with fresh water and coffee is an essential amenity that companies often underestimate. Ensuring that employees have access to a variety of snacks and beverages can make them feel comfortable and energized throughout the entire workday.


      Every employee dreams of working in a tidy office and spending their day in a clean, pleasant environment. To ensure that this is the case in your office, consider including cleaning services as part of your workplace amenities. This can involve regular dusting, vacuuming of common areas, and cleaning of the kitchen and restroom. Such measures will not only make the office more welcoming and accessible but also leave your employees with a positive impression and sense of comfort.

      Various meeting rooms 

      Who doesn’t love a productive meeting in a well-equipped meeting room? As we transition back to regular meetings and face-to-face interactions, employees are increasingly organizing meetings to facilitate collaboration and decision-making. Therefore, it is crucial to provide sufficient workplace amenities, including meeting rooms that enable employees to conduct their daily business meetings effectively.

      How can you find the best place with the most suitable amenities?

      Looking for the perfect office space for you and your team can be a daunting task. To make it easier, start by listing the amenities you require for your office and employees. Take the time to research and evaluate all available options to find a space that aligns with your desired amenities. This will help you create a productive and satisfying work environment. By selecting the right office space that meets your specific amenity requirements, you can enhance employee satisfaction, productivity, and overall success.

      What are some of the amenities that we have at Myflex?

      MyFlex offers a wide variety of amenities that are specifically designed to make the work experience enjoyable. High-speed internet access, combined with well-equipped collaborative tools for productivity as well as extra comfortable seating are only a few of the available features. Some of the additional ones are gym, beauty salon and dry cleaning services, which help with the promotion of work-life balance and a calm environment. For more details on our amenities in our workspace in Sofia , visit our website. We would love to help make your work life better.